Screening Tool

Screening Tool
Screening Tool
Screening Tool
Screening Tool
‘iOsteoporos Screen’ has the following potential benefits :
  • Digital X-ray image based solution
  • Zero cost (*if patient has recently taken chest X-ray during routine health check up)
  • AI with deep learning technique
  • User friendly
  • Automated
  • Remote area screening
  • Accurate
  • Domestic & Global reach screening tool

The following are our esteemed clients, who are having a diagnostic X-ray machine. It shall be installed in their computer, having the recently taken conventional digital/computed chest X-ray image of the patient. Any unskilled computer operator can use this tool, which assesses the image automatically. It estimates patient’s hip BMD value with good accuracy and predicts future risk for osteoporosis. It gives out an auto-generated computerised patient’s report.

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It is available at this website to screen patients for osteoporosis at FREE of cost and it will be offered for a limited period of time. It can be used by the Doctors, who wants to test their patients for screening osteoporosis.

Doctors, who have the recently taken chest X-ray image of the patient can avail this service. They need to upload the image (in JPEG/ PNG format) to our technical service through online. After receiving by Diagno, the image will be assessed by us using our ‘iOsteoporos Screen’ tool, which will estimate patient’s hip BMD value by an automated way, thus it will predict future risk for osteoporosis. An auto-generated computerised report of the patient will be sent back to the doctors by an email.

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An Automated Software Solutions Screening Tool for Osteoporosis

Digital X-ray Image based

Powered with AI with Deep Learning Techniques

  • Assess conventional Chest X-ray of the Patient
  • Measure bilateral Clavicle Bone Mass Indices ( Using Radiogrammetry Technique)
  • Estimate bilateral Hip BMD with good accuracy using Our novel Empirical Formula
  • Calculate T-score & Diagnose as per WHO's Criteria
  • Spot out Individual at High Risk for Osteoporosis
  • Generate Computerized Report

  • Fully automated assessment of X-ray image
  • Measurement of bilateral Clavicle Bone Mass Indices
  • Estimation of bilateral Hip BMD using Our novel Empirical Formula
  • Calculation of T-score & Diagnose as per WHO's Criteria
  • Screening patient at High Risk for Osteoporosis
  • Generate Computerized Report